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  • Writer's pictureAnthony McCoy

Eating Behavior: How the brain controls our eating pattern

Updated: Dec 4, 2022

Key Points

  1. Your brain has a system to keep you at a certain body weight, but this does not mean a shredded physique. To achieve that, you’ll most likely have to fight your internal hunger signals to achieve such a goal.

  2. These hunger signals are generated by the activation of AGRP neurons (Agouti-related protein), which will induce a negative feeling and initiate food-seeking activities (snacking for example)

  3. Eating highly palatable food (burgers, fries, candy, etc.) makes you feel good because of the connection between the consumption and reward systems, but this “high” is only short-lived.

  4. The simplest way to prevent overeating is to avoid highly rewarding food, as these foods override your satiety signals.

  5. Low-reward (i.e. non-hyperpalatable) foods are hard to overeat and will make it easier to maintain or lose body fat.

Eating is influenced by many different factors such as the time of day, where you are, if you're alone or with others, emotional state, your last meal, etc.


Dieting and weight-loss will be easier if you focus on mostly non-hyperpalatable food, which will activate the satiety circuit, so you'll feel full without eating too many calories

Weight Gain

If you have trouble gaining weight, include food items that are less bland and higher palatability to consumer them in larger amounts of calories



The secret is: Eat simple, have low-reward foods that contain enough fiber and water. Eat only when you're hungry and if you mainly consume meals that don't over-activate the reward system, you are more likely to succeed and stick with a meal plan. The less rewarding the diet, the sooner your satiety circuit will tell you to stop eating, hence why it is hard to overeat on chicken and broccoli, veggies etc. and not so much on french fries, chocolate, etc.


Hyperpalatable food: Food so tempting it can override your ability to control the amount you eat, causing you to overeat e.g. chips, cookie, ice cream, french fries, soda (not diet) cake, cheese, etc.

Satiety: The quality or state of being fed or gratified to/ fullness.

Credits of the images to go the photographers, found on Unsplash

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